Daniel Freer, March 13, 2020
Starting off, what is the purpose of this website? Initially, I want to create a platform for me to pull together all of the work I have done over the years and present it in a professional manner. Through my work, my posts, and my media, I hope that viewers will gain a sense of who I am as a person, what I believe in, and what I hope to achieve in the years to come.
So, who am I? My name is Daniel Freer, son of Ann and Dennis, brother of Matt and Tim, and husband of Blair (Yuting) Yang. I am a roboticist, a researcher, a traveler, a writer, an athlete, a musician. But above all of this I am a human. Like the rest of us, I have good and bad attributes which vary from day to day, and while I work hard to improve myself each day, the future remains unclear.
Throughout the years, I hope to post my opinions on current events, pieces of technology that interest me, topics related to my family, art, company, or work, or various other topics that come to the forefront of my mind. I prefer longer thought pieces to Tweets, and I hope to analyse topics from a relatively unbiased perspective. Of course we all know this is impossible, but I digress.
With that, I will continue on with the rest of the website. I bid you all adieu.